
The Music framework in CHIJ OLQP aims to meet the needs of our students beyond academic achievement, contributing to the social, emotional and holistic development through music. In fostering the musical development of students, our school has a structured 3-tier approach in promoting a wide variety of musical activities, appreciation and musical excellence among our students anchored on the school values of Truth, Justice, Freedom and Love.
Tier 1: Musical Literacy for All
Our school’s Music programme is a primary contributor to building a strong foundation for the acquisition of fundamental musical skills and development of musical awareness and culture in students. In our Music lessons, we want our students to experience music and movement through creative expressions as well as improvisation. These skills and experiences reinforce the learning of 21st Century Competencies skills to better prepare them to be future ready.
Tier 2 : Musical Encounter and Appreciation
Building on the solid foundation in musical literacy established at Tier 1, we further nurture student involvement and interest in music through school-wide programmes and level-wide instrumental studies. Key highlights include Twinkly Handbells, Recorder Karate, Aloha Ukulele, and Digital Music. We work closely with relevant partners from the National Arts Council to bring music education beyond classroom teaching. These experiences not only widen our students’ musical knowledge and perspective but also promote a greater joy and passion in their musical learning journey.
Tier 3: Musical Excellence
At Tier 3, students pursue music at a more advanced level through our Performing Arts CCA Programme based on their interest and aptitude. They are progressively developed to excel in their skills and knowledge, build confidence and teamwork and deepen their overall musicking experience. Platforms such as our ‘Fantastic Fridays’ Pre-assembly programme, Arts in Us Recess Performances and various internal and external events provide opportunities for our students to showcase their talents through performances and showmanship. These students will continue to spread the joy of learning and inspire others with their love for music.